Monday, January 7, 2008

Teachers still being kept in the dark

Melbourne, Australia

Regarding the Dec. 26 article "Firm reneges on promised jobs for Nova teachers": Co. certainly appears to be continuing in the footsteps of the English-teaching company Nova with regard to the treatment of teachers. I was a Nova teacher and had to leave Japan in November after the schools closed. I had attended a meeting held by at which we were urged to sign up with it and wait. Anyone who wanted a job would have one. I'm glad I didn't put my trust in
How cruel to keep unemployed teachers waiting and hoping, and then, on Christmas Eve, send an e-mail informing them that they don't have a job. Expats do not have the same support networks as in their home countries, and this kind of uncertainty, while living in a foreign country, is hard to bear. Nova kept its employees in the dark, and seems to be doing the same. Surely these workers deserve honest information so that they can exercise some control over their lives.
The opinions expressed in this letter to the editor are the writer's own and do not necessarily reflect the policies of The Japan Times.

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